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HSS HIPAA Training Video

HSS & HIPAA Training Video

Mastery offers these training courses to help all employers understand the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) standards. Complying with HIPAA standards involves how certain medical documents are stored, accessed, and transferred within an organization. The HHS has similar regulations in regards to the privacy of medical and health records. Choose a HHS or HIPAA training video from the following list of Mastery courses to best suit the needs of your organization. Don't be caught off guard violating regulations you should be aware of for the health, privacy and fair treatment of your workers.

Protecting health information of your employees or patients must be a top priority. Utilizing the HHS HIPAA Training Videos will help ensure you maintain a safe and healthy workplace.

Course Listing by Topic: Compliance: HHS & HIPAA

Single play retail price is listed, contact us for employer pricing.