Online Training | 800‑258‑3837

Enterprise Training

Take advantage of our enterprise training solutions and its many benefits

  • Create a powerful organization by ensuring training is taken.
  • Reports help you manage the progress of your employee development program.
  • Records protect your organization for compliance reporting and proof of training.
    See feature benefits

Reduce 90% of Training Administrative Hassles

Our Learning Management System (LMS) gives employers the ability to access and maintain their own private training site. As an employer, you can set up groups within your LMS tailored to match your organizational structure. Specifying how you want your employees grouped and the training you want each group to take allows the LMS to manage the details for you. Reports of training usage and certificates of completion are all easily accessible.

Instructors can easily complete records of attendance for training classes or seminars, documenting who has completed “off-line” training sessions. This information is combined with all other training assignments within the LMS, so an individual’s complete training history is recorded and available for viewing.

Avoid the administrative hassles of training and get your employer account started now!