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Please Respect My Generation!

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24 to 34 minutes
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A young man talking to an elderly woman A millennial talking to a Baby Boomer An elderly man sitting next to a young woman

Please Respect My Generation!

For the first time, people from five generations are working together in the same workplace. This is a great opportunity for sharing life experiences, values and ideas, as well as understanding how those in another generation think and act. The five generations are specifically: Generation 9/11 (born 1991 onward), Millennials (born 1977-1990), Generation X (born 1965 to 1976), Baby Boomers (born 1946 to 1964), and Traditionals (born 1930 to 1945).

You may have certain workplace ideals that work for you, but those from a different generation may function best with their own methods. With this knowledge, you can learn how to better deal with change, increase productivity, and develop a more respectful workplace. This training provides you with an in-depth look at each of these five generations, as well as how to best communicate with each.

It is true that members of one generation may have preconceived notions or stereotypes about the members of another. However, it is important to realize why members of a certain generation, though obviously it is not true for all members, act and think in the way they do. Utilize the information presented in this course and create a more open and respectful workplace.

Video on Demand   This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Full-screen video presentation
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

Anyone working with people from different generations

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Introduction
  • Generation 9/11
  • Millennials
  • Generation X
  • Baby Boomers
  • Traditionals
  • What Can I Do?

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