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OSHA Construction: Electrical Safety

This course has been discontinued and is no longer available.
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30 to 35 minutes
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Flash Player
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Quiz Questions
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This training addresses necessary electrical safety requirements for the safety of construction employees.

Whenever you work with power tools or electrical circuits, there's a risk of electrical hazards - especially electrical shock. Risks increase at construction sites because many jobs involve electric power tools. Electrical trades workers must pay special attention to electrical hazards because they work on electrical circuits.

The training is divided into major sections. The Overview explains why electricity is dangerous and how it works. Hazard and controls identifies the main electrical hazards and describes the best ways to prevent them from occurring. Finally, this safety presentation reviews general planning and controls when working with electricity.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Rich multimedia presentation with interactions and quiz
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

All construction workers.

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Why Electricity is Dangerous
  • How Electricity Works
  • Hazard and Controls
  • General Planning and Controls
Intended Performance Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course you will be better prepared to:
  • Describe four types of injuries that may result from contact with electricity.
  • Name at least three warning signs or clues an electrical hazard exists.
  • List at least five electrical hazards that may be present at a construction site.
  • Discuss at least three methods of protection from electrical hazards.

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