Cal/OSHA Preventing Hearing Loss
- Product ID
- apsfcphl_vod
- Training Time ?
- 10 to 19 minutes
- Language(s)
- English,Spanish
- Video Format
- High Definition
- Required Plugins
- None
- Number of Lessons
- 9
- Quiz Questions
- 9
- Closed Captioning
- Question Feedback
- Wrong Answer Remediation
- Lesson Bookmarking
- Downloadable Resources

Cal/OSHA Preventing Hearing Loss
A serious workplace hazard employees may overlook but must recognize is hearing loss. Power tools, air compressors, metal working devices, and countless other machines and tools can generate noise at levels high enough to damage our hearing. This damage cannot be repaired and can have a devastating impact on one’s quality of life. As a result, California companies that expose their employees to high levels of noise are required to have a “Hearing Conservation Program,” which you will learn about here. For such a program to be effective, all employees must understand how excessive noise can damage their hearing as well as the actions to take to prevent hearing loss.
To minimize the likelihood of causing permanent hearing loss, your exposure to noise must be kept to permissible levels. These levels are a combination of decibels and time; for example, for eight hours of exposure, the maximum permissible sound level is 90 decibels. This Cal/OSHA Preventing Hearing Loss course shows workers the steps to take to reduce noise levels, the hearing protection to wear and how to wear it, as well as the importance of audiometric testing.
Protecting your hearing is not a difficult prospect. That protection begins with an understanding of your specific workplace risks and ends with knowing safe noise levels and what devices you can wear to lower those levels. Utilize the materials presented in this on-demand video and help protect yourself from hearing loss, while complying with CAL/OSHA standards.
This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.

- Install on any SCORM LMS
- Full-screen video presentation
- Print certificate and wallet card
- You have 30 days to complete the course
All those who work in California and need hearing protection for their job
- Introduction
- How The Components Of The Ear Process Sounds
- Permissible Exposure Limits
- Noise Reduction Levels
- Ear Plugs
- Earmuffs
- Audiometric Testing
- Importance Of Protecting Our Hearing
- Conclusion
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