- Product ID
- ttpcpufe_vod
- Training Time ?
- 11 to 21 minutes
- Language(s)
- English,Spanish
- Video Format
- High Definition
- Required Plugins
- None
- Number of Lessons
- 9
- Quiz Questions
- 10
- Closed Captioning
- Question Feedback
- Wrong Answer Remediation
- Lesson Bookmarking
- Downloadable Resources
Proper Use of Fire Extinguishers
This video-based training teaches viewers about safely using fire extinguishers. This course explains how a fire burns. Viewers learn about the different classes of fires and fire extinguishers. This video shows examples of how to use a fire extinguisher.
Employees that understand the dangers of fire and how to properly use fire extinguishers make the workplace safer for all everyone.
This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.
- Install on any SCORM LMS
- Full-screen video presentation
- Print certificate and wallet card
- You have 30 days to complete the course
All employees
The course presents the following topical areas:
- Introduction
- Employee Training
- How a Fire Burns
- Classes of Fires & Types of Extinguishers
- The Class ABC Extinguisher
- Deciding Whether to Use an Extinguisher
- Proper Use of a Fire Extinguisher
- Fire Extinguisher inspection & Maintenance
- Conclusion
© Mastery Technologies, Inc.