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Pandemic Preparedness

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13 to 25 minutes
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A woman thoroughly washes her hands a pandemic preparedness measure A woman hands a man hand sanatizer as part of pandemic preparedness A man and a woman discuss pandemic preparedness over the phone

Pandemic Preparedness Training

In our global marketplace, international travel and the import and export of goods are important channels to conduct business. However, they also increase our risk of pandemic outbreaks. Viruses can travel thousands of miles before they are recognized. The increased risk of pandemics has motivated The World Health Council, The Center for Disease Control, and even Homeland Security to develop pandemic preparedness training.

What is your organization's pandemic response plan? How will you prevent a disruption in service? How will you assist your community in the event of a pandemic? These are the questions that your business continuity plan should address and Pandemic Preparedness training can help you formulate the answers. Better yet, it will educate your employees on techniques to prevent the spread of viruses and minimize the spread of illness in your workplace.

Pandemic outbreaks can lead to disrupted businesses, closed schools, burdened hospitals, and at the extreme, border closures and public health quarantines. The start of a pandemic is already too late to start planning. Take advantage of this pandemic preparedness training model and the expert resources supplied within to increase your awareness, strengthen your plan, and protect your stakeholders.

Video on Demand   This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Full-screen video presentation
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

All employees and contract workers with a special emphasis on business continuity planners, managers, and traveling employees.

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Introduction
  • Pandemic Impact
  • Be Prepared
  • Don't Pass It On
  • Keep Your Distance
  • Summary

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