- Product ID
- marcorms2_vod
- Training Time ?
- 22 to 32 minutes
- Language(s)
- English,Spanish
- Video Format
- High Definition
- Required Plugins
- None
- Number of Lessons
- 9
- Quiz Questions
- 10
- Closed Captioning
- Question Feedback
- Wrong Answer Remediation
- Lesson Bookmarking
- Downloadable Resources
Did you know, the BLS reports 5,147 workers died on the job in 2017? This means on average, more 14 people died on-the-job every single day. A majority of those fatalities could have been prevented. OSHA’s system for recordkeeping helps management identify hazards and eliminate them before they lead to another accident or injury.
This online course dives into OSHA recordkeeping and its importance. The course explains to managers and supervisors what defines an exempt business, the different between recordable and non-recordable injuries and illnesses, and how and why we must protect employee rights.
Train your managers and supervisors with this course to help foster a community of safety standards and to help address any gaps in processes and procedures to ensure safe working conditions for all team members.
This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.
- Install on any SCORM LMS
- Full-screen video presentation
- Print certificate and wallet card
- You have 30 days to complete the course
Supervisors and managers
- Introduction
- The Importance Of Recordkeeping
- Exempt Businesses
- Defining “Injuries And Illnesses”
- What Are “Work-Related” And “New” Cases?
- The Three Key Recordkeeping Forms
- Employee Rights
- Other Recordkeeping Issues
- Conclusion
© Mastery Technologies, Inc.