- Product ID
- marcubia_vod
- Training Time ?
- 22 to 32 minutes
- Language(s)
- English,Spanish
- Video Format
- High Definition
- Required Plugins
- None
- Number of Lessons
- 8
- Quiz Questions
- 10
- Closed Captioning
- Question Feedback
- Wrong Answer Remediation
- Lesson Bookmarking
- Downloadable Resources
Unconscious Bias
Unconscious biases influence us without our realizing it. This online training course shows employees how unconscious biases can affect our decision-making process, and what we can do to uncover and remove their influence.
The most common biases are based on race, age, sexual orientation, and gender. Other biases arise from how people dress, ethnicity, and names. For example, one study looked at whether employers showed bias in job search activity when selecting applicants to interview and hire. The study found that from a diverse group of qualified candidates, people with Asian names were 28% less likely to be called for an interview, and black applicants received 50% less callbacks.
Viewers learn how unconscious biases affect how we view and interact with coworkers and customers. This course helps employees understand, identify, and mitigate their own biases.
Complete this online training course to learn how to identify unconscious bias, and ways to mitigate their influence.
This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.
- Install on any SCORM LMS
- Full-screen video presentation
- Print certificate and wallet card
- You have 30 days to complete the course
Everyone will benefit from this online course
- Introduction
- What Is Unconscious Bias?
- The Business Effect Of Bias
- Racial, Ethnic, And “Name” Bias
- Gender And Sexual Orientation Bias
- Age And Disability Bias
- Identifying And Mitigating Unconscious Bias
- Conclusion
© Mastery Technologies, Inc.